These are several identities that we designed for a contest for the American University of Bulgaria in 2011.
Version #1 is an unique design that’s based on the letters “A” and “U”. It illustrates the curving path towards the success.
Print & Web identity examples.
A stylish minimalistic symbol of a person, reading a book and studying – clean forms, visible in various scales. The two triangular shapes could be interpreted as the letters “A” and “U” as well.
Print & Web identity examples.
Modern, clean mark which is conveying the idea of the present logo in a new way. In terms of integration – the circle form guarantees extreme versatility.
Print & Web identity examples.
A book divider waving proudly in the shape of “A” and “U” – a memorable design that is providing recognition.
Print & Web identity examples.
Concept, combining the building of the university and an interpretation of the American flag. Color palette options could be the traditional combination of red and blue or just blue.
Print & Web identity examples.