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punk-rock logo design

We are very proud of our work for the “Perfect Skies” identity. Since “PS” are playing punk-rock music and they needed a distinctive logo design and engaging band identity. A base for t-shirts, badges, album covers, posters and all kind of merchandise. There’s a color version of the logo, but it primary usage will be in one color like a stencil, which is making this extremely cheap to reproduce. At the same time the shape is giving the unique brand look, the band was looking for.

logo design presentation

By the way – this photo-session is also created by us 🙂

band identity badges design

Example badge projects.

band identity merchandise design

band identity merchandise design

T-shirt preview ( it’s a random internet photo )

band identity guitar pick design

The greatest spot to place your band’s logo, isn’t it ?


designing band logo


designing band logo

Some previews from the refinement stages. May be we’ll upload more screens from the process at some point.


band logo design presentation

This photo was shot over Africa. Photo by Margarit @


punk-rock photo shoot

Photo by Margarit @


band logo design presentation

This was another example logo usage, but later on it appeared great for an iphone wallpaper 🙂 “PS: Positive Sound” was the working title for the band’s first album.

Check Perfect Skies in Facebook.



Materials from the logo design and band identity process.


band design sketches


band design sketches


band identity sketches